
Railroad Atlantic & North Carolina

   The following list of early locomotives for the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad contains the engine's number, date built, builder and wheel arrangement. Of course, all were steam driven.
   The American style locomotive was the standard engine built by all of the  locomotive manufacturers. While the

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locomotive had many exterior variations, the wheel arrangement (4-4-0) and the over-all appearance remained the same. This particular engine-wheel type was designed to place as much weight as possible on the drivers and to maneuver the sharp curves and poor quality of track conditions 
of the mid-1800s.
Name Number Date Built or
In Service



Retired Notes
Gov. Bragg   Dec. 1855 Rogers, Ketchum, Grosvenor 4x4x0    
Charles F. Fisher   1856 Breese, Kneeland 4x4x0    
John D. Whitford   Jan. 1867 Rogers 4x4x0    
John Stanley   1857 Breese, Kneeland 4x4x0    
Dr. Hawks   July 1858 Norris 4x4x0    
William Gaston   July 1858 Norris 4x4x0    

Wheel arrangements list the number of wheels on each of up to 3 axles for the locomotive.

Breese, Kneeland & Company – A Jersey City, New Jersey, company that used the name New York Locomotive Works. It produced less than 300 locomotives before the Civil War.

Norris Locomotive Works – A Philadelphia locomotive builder constructing about 1,000 engines between 1836 and 1860. It was the dominant American producer during most of that period.

Rogers Locomotive Works – This Paterson, New Jersey builder was a leader in engine improvements and productivity. Between 1837 and 1860, it produced 900 engines. Also known as Rogers, Ketchum and Grosvenor.

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