Laurel Hill Cotton Factory (Lincolnton, NC) (1849 -
also known as the Ivy Shoals Mill ( - 1884) and the Elm Grove Cotton Mill (1884 - 19##)
Organized: 1848
Operational: 1849 (continued into 20th Century)
Location: 1/2 to 3/4 mile west from the town of Lincolnton, at the
conjunction of the river and the Morganton and State Road. Twenty-five (25)
acres of land on both sides of the South Fork of the Catawba River, including a
shoal; about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile west of Lincolnton.
Founders: Andrew Motz and E. S. Barrett
Specifications: The factory was 70 by 40 feet, four stories high.
Spinning equipment came from the Charles Danforth & Company in
Patterson, NJ.
Seven (7) 36-inch cards; 1 Drawing Frame; 4 Spinning Frames of 132 spindles each
(in 1851); 3 Reels, 1 Picker & Willow; two (2) 14 Bobbin speeders; 1
Grinding Machine.
Notes: The Laurel Hill Cotton Factory was located
on the South Fork of the Catawba River, 1/2 to 3/4 mile west of the Lincolnton
courthouse, by the
firm of Motz, Barrett & Company. According
to contemporaneous newspaper reports, spinning yarn commenced on October 1, 1849
at the mill, with looms starting later that fall.
In the 1850 census of industry, the Laurel Hill Cotton Factory had an invested
capital was estimated at $14,000.
The mill employed 5 men and 15 women for cotton yarn production. Wages amounted
to $1,380 annually.
Producing cotton yarn and carding some wool, the mill's annual raw materials
cost an estimated $15,000 for cotton. The mill's annual output was valued at
$20,825, leaving an estimated annual profit/compensation for the owners of
When Motz died
in 1851, the firm informally was known as Barrett, Motz & Company for a very
short time, before being named the E.S. Barrett & Co.
The cotton factory was sold later to John F. Phifer and
R. W. Allison. It was renamed the Ivy Shoals Mill
until 1884, when Phifer died. The mill was later renamed
the Elm Grove Cotton Mill.
In 1911, the Elm Grove Cotton Mill had 4,000 spindles.
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